A new website is launched by echonet, the new online presentation of the digital-handcraft agency inspires.

Focus on Inspiration
When opening up the new website of echonet communication in Vienna (Austria, Europe), the amazing video-playground is covered by a tool which asks users to finish a sentence starting with "I". Users can randomly use this tool and finish the sentence, the machine behind tries to learn about the queries. If the query or keywords sound familiar to the machine, it tries to serve an adequate answer.
The system replies to known keywords and phrases and provides additional information about the topic of the user-query as well as sometimes funny answers.
An easy way to get in touch with our customers, users and also people who think about working at echonet, is the key focus of the inspiration tool. You may try out, whatever you want. It is not a search engine, this is imporant to understand. Therefore you should use a sentence, which is already startet with "I" like "I ... have to organize an event."
Roland Vidmar, CEO echonet communication
Internationalization of echonet
Starting with this new website, echonet also used international domains to expand the markets to other countries. The main focus of echonet is still the central european area. Therefore the first country-level-domains which were put together are for Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Also the variety of topics and subjects about digital handcraft are part of the strategy of echonet since more than a decade. Know how in every discipline is key to the success of the company.
We not only tell our customers, that we know something. We tell them also what we know, because people should be able to view behind the scenes and lift the carpets. Digital handcraft, digital success is not a rocket science but still many people need to learn more about it.
Responsive Webdesign
Of course the new website is also held in responsive webdesign and works seamlessly on all devices with internet capabilities. So no matter which device the visitors of the new echonet website are using, it works great for them. This is since about 8 years a must-have at echonet, because after a few years creating mobile websites, the funeral for the mobile only website of echonet was held in december 2012. Since this day, echonet does not deliver mobile only websites anymore for it's customers.